Emergence User: Karen Bonaker
/artist: Karen Bonaker
Painter Master Elite Karen Bonaker is well-known in the Painter community and beyond. Karen founded the Digital Art Academy in 2007 to help students achieve their artistic goals. Prior to launching Emergence, I asked Karen if she would be interested in trying it out. After receiving it, she emailed me, “I have not had this much fun in painting in a long time!” with the above image attached. Me?…I was floored.
Karen’s painting proved to me beyond a doubt that Emergence allows an artist’s style to dominate its medium, rather than the other way around. As an artist myself, this is crucial to me. I’m aware that Emergence can be very aggressive in its look, but properly handled, it becomes subordinate to style…just like other expressive media.
You can learn more about Karen and the Digital Art Academy here.
The Emergence Brush System for Corel Painter is available for $39.95. You can purchase Emergence here.